Message from Chairman
The year 2012 ought to have been marked as a huge step forward for reconstruction of the Great East-Japan Earthquake. Much to our chagrin, a full period of 12-months has passed away in vain without having completed the blueprinted plan brimming with hope, whereas lawmakers, government, local government, educated people and local people including disaster victims have uttered their own opinions.
Naturally, any disease cannot be cured without medical doctor. A car broken down must be fixed by mechanic; otherwise the car must not be run on the road. Lawyers having a good command of law make it clear whether this or that is right or wrong. This way, what is deemed essential to our life has hitherto been made and observed by professional.
Are recent lawmakers real professional, then? How many lawmakers are there, who genuinely set their faces to politics when young and have been studying politics? Does the answer to it lead to the possible cause as to why we have been in chaotic society?
We at RBA International are keenly aware of the importance of specialties. We should return the society to the basics where society should be firmly established and preserved by professional, not only for us of the present but also for children to be born after our generations.
The specialties that RBA International purports are equal to mastering inherent ideal situation as human being, based on which the so-called-in-society specialties shall be generated. RBA International pursues “etiquette to human being”, “etiquette to society”, “etiquette to others”, “etiquette to family members” and “etiquette to self”. The bedrock idea behind the 5-etiquette as stated above is, in my understanding, that “One should feel relieved with the existence of others”, “One should appreciate the existence of others” and “One should recollect the existence of others “.
Whatever one wishes to do, only one cannot finish it by himself. He could not exist, and he could not move into action, either, without existence of other persons; without their taking-in; without their offering a helping hand.
Whether or not we are paid attention from anyone else, this year too RBA International attempts to cherish and enhance our spirits and vigor just like blessings of nature; the sun rising in the eastern heavens in the morning; the moon in the evening which may ease fatigued body; and mother earth which cultivates flower and fruit. With both feet, RBA International will come through this year, too.
January 2013
Specified Nonprofit Corporation RBA International
Nobuhiro Kume, Chairman
Benin Embassy in Japan
【December 20th】
At a time when Mr. Zomahoun D.C. Rufin, acquaintance of Chairman Kume was appointed the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Japan, Chairman Kume decided to offer monetary subsidy to Republic of Benin to cultivate human resources, which serve as a foundation for development of Republic of Benin, living up to his promise once made. Namely, Daisan Kikaku, Inc. will offer a donation of the tuition fee and part of living expenses to a Benin’s student to study in Japan. The student will be named by Republic of Benin.
Chairman Kume hands over a register to H.E. Ambassador Zomahoun
The register handed over to Republic of Benin
Tokyo Dome Stadium
【November 21st】
Final match of the 24th RBA Baseball Tournament Wednesday block was between Sekisui House Keiyo and Asahikasei Homes. The game was played at Tokyo Dome Stadium on November 21st, and it was drawn at 2-2 for the fi rst time in the history of RBA Baseball Tournament, each team holding a fort. A rematch will be slated for sometime next year.
Both teams show shootout
Tokyo Dome Stadium
【November 14th】
Final match of the 24th RBA Baseball Tournament Sunday block took place between Taisei Housing and Ken Corporation. The game was played at Tokyo Dome Stadium on November 14th, and Ken Corporation defeated Taisei Housing by 6-0, winning the 10th block championship two years in a row.
Ken Corporation - champion of the Sunday block
High five!
Tokyo Hilton Hotel
【November 2nd】
As one of the activities of RBA International which advocates setting the world alight with impressive story, we have been making a strong effort to the publication activities to weave textiles of good message. Thanks to valuable efforts by Ph.D. Shigeo Momose, an emeritus professor of Meiji University, this year Daisan Kikaku Publication Co., Ltd. set afloat in succession “Why Athlete-tempered People are Strong to Find Jobs?”, “Bushido (Japanese chivalry) and Athlete-tempered People” and “Ringer-Hut’s Challenge” in August, September and October respectively. On November 2nd a launch party was held at Tokyo Hilton Hotel, inviting some 150 persons concerned.
Ph.D Momose, the author delivers commemorative speech
Co-authors with the Olympic Judo Gold Medalist, Hidehiko Yoshida
「Bushido」 and Athlete-tempered People Why Athlete-tempered People are Strong to Find Jobs?
Tokyo Hilton Hotel
【June 8th】
Lottery of preliminary tournament for the 24th RBA Baseball Tournament took place at Tokyo Hilton Hotel in the evening of June 8th, inviting the related parties, where each of match-up was decided. This year, the number of the participating teams is 53, combined of 34 teams from the Wednesday block and 19 teams from the Sunday block.
Mr. Kume, Tournament Chairman delivers opening speech at the lottery gathering
Lottery time!
Tokyo Dome Stadium
【May 29th】
The overall final match of the 23rd RBA Baseball Tournament took place at Tokyo Dome Stadium, and Asahikasei Homes defeated Ken Corporation by 4-2, winning its 11th overall championship with straight six-year win.
Having accumulated runners, Asahikasei Homes did run-scoring hits, thereby adding score, combined with flawless batting. Ken Corporation yielded 7 hits, however they could not render this reasonable number of hits decisive, most of which were defended by the opponent. Unfortunately, their big cheering group comprising some 350 people failed to cheer the team to victory.
At Tokyo Dome
Asahikasei Homes’ team tosses the manager into the air
An overall winner, Asahikasei Homes team
RBA International conducts preliminary and follow-up lessons relating to the internship program at Saitama Prefectural Koshigaya Comprehensive Technical High School.
The host company takes in three students from Saitama PKCT High School.
【January 31st, February 13th~17th and 21st】
RBA International conducted two lessons before and after the actual internship directed to 270 students in the 2nd year of Saitama PKCT High School. Given that it is inadequate to let them ordinarily experience just simulation for such a short time as a working person by visiting host companies, Chairman Kume gave the lectures as an extraordinary curriculum of the school, meeting with the schoolmaster’s approval beforehand. With the appropriate contents of the internship designed for high-school students, Daisan Kikaku, Inc. took in three students of Saitama PKCT High School as interns during five days from February 13th thru 17th.
A lecturing scene
Training at a printing factory