Message from Chairman
Does any of over 6.3 billion people living now think of what our society and world ought to be 30 years or even 10 years after now?
In 2002, too, RBA International has been endeavouring to the fullest length, in order to leave an earth which is a better place to live for the generation three hundred years from now.
Let me introduce the two reports, impressions of which have remained with us so deeply.
“The limits to the growth theory” by Dr. Meadows, et al commissioned by Club of Rome in 1972 says, “If the present growth goes on invariably, then the growth on the globe shall come to the limit within 100 years from now on, in terms of global population, industrialization, food production, exhaustion of natural resources. As a consequence, the most probably conclusion would be uncontrollable decline, which may happen all of sudden.”
Also in 1992 right before 21st century, the same authors report in “Beyond the limits” stating that the velocity that human being exhausts indispensable resources, and produces contaminants has already exceeded sustainable limits in most cases. Unless counter-measures of substantial reduction of flows of both material and energy are taken, the volume of food, energy consumption and industrial output per head would be diminished uncontrollable after 10 years or more”.
In the coming 2003, at least we ought to, or we should take the initiative to take actions…
January 2003
Specified Nonprofit Corporation RBA International
Nobuhiro Kume, Chairman
As of November 15, RBA warmly received a foreign student from China. |
Visiting the elementary school attached Peking University in China on November 8, RBA Internatonal donated some 50 Japanese books. In turn, the children demonstrated us Chinese dances skillfully.![]() |
RBA Institute of Management Strength and Development, a division of RBA International has entered into a tie-up of collaboration with Peking University, Science Park in Beijing, China to promote mutual cooperation through international exchange in educational field. |
During July 22 and 31, an RBA honor student was on trial lesson at A.B. Paterson College in Australia. |
We held The 1st RBA International Conference for Science Exchange for Peace. Over the period beyond a decade, RBA International has been conducting the diversified activities such as "World Children's Conference", "World Art Exhibition for Peace" and "World Children's Musical Festival" in order to leave an earth which is a better place to liver for the generation three hundred years from now, and from this year onwards, "RBA International Conference for Science Exchange for Peace" was added anew to the extensive activities of RBA. We at RBA consider every human being to be a child. Mankind's history is the culmination of collaborative works between parents and their children. RBA is propelling to realize "Asia-wide SME Network" to back up the SME proprietors for the future of big children, namely adults. The participants comprise the professors active in the forefront of researches. The concrete issues were taken up to transform the resources of the conference into the practical applications in the industry. Organizer: RBA International (NPO) Participating organizations: Peking University (China), Peking University Science Park (China), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), National University of Mongolia (Mongolia), Belgrade University (Yugoslavia), Moscow University (Russia), aMeiji University (Japan) Auspices: Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Thailand, Ministry of Education, Mongolia, Yugoslavia Embassy to Japan, Ministry of Education, Russian Federation ![]() |
The donation was appropriated to procure the sports shoes for up to top 32 pupils in "Saint Sava" elementary school. We received the relevant thank-you note from Dr. Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, the commissioner of the Commissariat of Refugees of Republic of Serbia. ![]() |
From June 15 through 21 at Rajamangala Institute of Technology, we held The 2nd World Art Exhibition for Peace. Its theme is "Peace, Dream, Hope and Challenge". Besides the selected paintings with motif of world peace from eight countries (Thailand, China, Yugoslavia, Mongolia, Russia, UK, Australia and Japan), a lot of the paintings from more than 40 countries in the world were displayed at the site. The paintings of Mr. Chang Jia Huang, a prominent painter featuring Dunhuang, China were first introduced to Thailand, and his lecture was made at the same time. Quite a few students of elementary schools in Thailand thronged at the exhibition, and they heartily deepened exchanges among the participants. This exhibition inspired the children to recall the joys to live afresh, and it gave a strong appeal to world peace. ![]() |
Management Improvement Practice Seminar was cosponsored by Suginami-ward office and RBA six times during May 2002-March 2003. |
During the period of February 23 through March 1, the delegates from Moscow University visited Japan to discuss the conference of science exchange. |
On Monday, January 21, RBA International visited Yugoslavian Embassy located in Kita-Shinagawa, Tokyo, and handed over the sum of Yen150,000 to His Excellency Nemanja Jovic, which was gathered from the donators when the RBA charity concert for Kosovo Serbia was held at Toppan hall on Wednesday, December 12, 2001.
The Director, Sanda Rašković-Ivić |