寄贈書籍は『MADE IN JAPAN 日本の匠:世界に誇る日本の伝統工芸』(IBCパブリッシング)など10冊。「新しい情報ばかりでなく、日本文化・日本の伝統を知ってほしい」と久米理事長が選んだものです。
RBA International (RBAI, President Nobuhiro Kume) donated Japanese culture books to Worth School (President Stuart McPherson) last December. We received a photo of the students saying "Arigato (Thank you in Japanese)” in front of the books, attached to a massage.
RBAI has held a “Japanese culture exhibition” at the school in 1997 and a “children's music festival” in 2001 with the school's choir at Suntory Hall in Tokyo.
Ten books have been chosen and donated by President Kume, including "MADE IN JAPAN Japanese Artisans: Japanese Traditional Crafts World-Class" (IBC Publishing). "I want you to know not only new information, but also Japanese culture and traditions" he said.
Three members from RBAI visited the school. Masahiro Kume, alumni of the school, represented RBAI and handed out books. "I'm glad to receive the gift from the graduates. I'll be happy to take it to the library and tell the students," said Mary Lou Berge and Anna McMahon, staff of the high school. The donations are posted on the school's Instagram, and the books are already used in the school's library by “Japanese film and culture club”.
<Worth School>
A Catholic private school in Worth Abbey, located in Crawley, a town in southern England. There are junior schools, middle schools, and six-form courses. About 600 students, from ages 11 to before entering university, including dormitory and commuting students. Founded in 1959. The school was originally a boys' school, co-educated in 2008. The vast site of 500 acres is used for school buildings, student dormitories, churches, sports facilities. Enthusiastic in Sports and club activities. The library has more than 15,000 books.
[邦訳] お元気ですか。12月に訪問された際に寄付していただいた本は、日本映画と文化のクラブで大いに活用されています。クラブは毎週水曜日の午後に活動しています。添付写真で生徒たちからの感謝をご覧ください。
<Message from school (excerpt)>
I do hope you are well! I thought you would like to know that the books that you donated when you visited in December are being put to good use in the Japanese Film & Culture Club that takes place in the School every Wednesday afternoon. You will see from the attached photos that the students wanted to say their own thank you!
Hopefully you will be able to visit again soon and maybe even take part in the Club!
「RBAプラザ ジェニーのギフトショップ」(東京都杉並区高円寺)が18日、リニューアルオープンしました。来店客にいっそう夢ある楽しい時を提供しようと、緑あふれる空間に一新しました。愛くるしい動物や小鳥たちがかたどられた商品が並び、店内はさながら春の森のようです。
"RBA Plaza Jenny’s Gift Shop” (Koenji, Tokyo) celebrated its renewal opening on January 18th. To offer more dreamy and fun moments to visiting customers, the shop underwent redecoration where more greens were added. Goods in the shape of adorable animals and birds fill the shop. Once you come inside, you would be stepping into a spring forest.
The shop opened in 2016 to provide a place for customers to be able to choose gifts for their loved ones to enrich their minds. The shop does not aim to create profit. Rather, all profits are donated for children in Serbia. The number of repeat customers increased – welcoming over a thousand people to the shop in a month during October to December last year.
After its renewal, the shop now offers many practical items for adults to use at home like earthenware. Popular items include a tea set with a motif of a wild bird, “Long-tailed tit”, also known as a “Snow fairy”; and a stuffed toy of a “Shoebill” – often known as a bird that rarely moves.
▼住所 東京都杉並区高円寺北2-10-9(JR高円寺駅北口徒歩3分)
▼電話 03・5356・7806
▼営業時間 [火]~[金]:10~18時、[土][日]:12~18時
▼定休日 [月][祝]。GWなど変則有、最新情報は公式インスタグラムで配信中。
<RBA Plaza Jenny's Gift Shop>
▼Opening hours
Tuesday – Friday 10:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm – 6:00pm
Closed on Monday and Holidays. (Irregularities during GW.)
The latest information is posted on the official Instagram account.
▼Contact us
+81 (0)3 5356 7806
▼How to find us
2-10-9 Koenji Kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
3 minutes on foot from JR Koenji Station North Exit
On 11th September, a three-country forum in theme of “urban development” was held at the National University of Mongolia. RBA International co-hosted with the Civil Service Council of Mongolia and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign countries. Approximately 110 people participated. Public and private experts from each country presented and exchanged opinions on various issues related to urban planning.
From Japan, Mr. Mikito Kusuda, Director of City Planning Division, City Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, gave a keynote speech and introduced the government's efforts in the phase of population growth and decline. Later in the breakout session, Mr. Sadatsugu Nishiura, professor of Meisei University reported Tama New Town Revitalization. More presentations were given by presenter of the other countries. Also Mr. Norihisa Shima, Associate professor of Toyo University reported the relationship between the history of urban development and public transportation in Tokyo. More presentations were given by experts form the other countries. Mongolia gave a presentation on problems and plans for future in Ulaanbaatar city, and China made a presentation on urban healthcare.
This forum will be reported in detail in RBA Times issue 407.
当店には今、乳幼児に優しい生活用品、子どもたちが楽しく学べるキャラクター文房具、どこか懐かしいユニークグッズなどがびっしり並んでいます。 ベビー歯ブラシ「ハミコ」は、持ち手がリング状でつかみやすく、ブラシがのどに届かない安全な長さになっています。「ムーミン」や「トトロ」のポケット付きタオル、「すみっこぐらし」の鉛筆やマッキーペン、思わず「可愛い」と言葉が出てしまいます。チューブ糊に見えるハンドクリームや、子ども用歯磨き粉に間違えそうなマーカーペンには、大人がつい反応してしまいます。
住所 東京都杉並区高円寺北2-10-9
電話番号 03-5356-7806
営業時間 火~金曜日:10時~18時、土曜日・日曜日:12時~18時
アクセス JR高円寺駅北口徒歩3分
RBA Plaza Jenny's Gift Shop tries to create a space full of smiles and dreams. The shop is filled with various goods and items, wanting to make customers exclaim, “This is cute!”, “Wow!”, “What’s that!?”. In April, Boy’s May Festival dolls were displayed near the entrance, warmly watching over children coming into the shop. Once you are inside, you were greeted by many useful stationaries and daily items you could use at home and in school to start the fresh year.
The shop opened in 2016, not for the purpose to make profits but to provide a place where customers can feel warm and generous, selecting presents for the people they care about. Also, to provide a place for social contribution; we donate our profits to children in Serbia. We opened the shop without having a clue, but we are now entering our third year. We have nursery school children during their walk outside, or children after school come to the shop to enjoy laughing and talking to our shop’s favourite animal objects. The shop has become a familiar place for local people, visited by more regular customers, too.
When we replace all of our goods at the year end, we select items which we think would bring happiness to children, to donate them to a “Children’s home” – a home where children who are unable to live with family live in a share house. We select them, imagining what age they could be and of their happy faces. We realize then, that receiving presents from parents, and being able to ask them to buy something should not be taken for granted.
Currently, the shop is filled with baby-friendly items, stationeries, which encourage school children to learn in a fun way, nostalgic unique items, etc. For example, “HAMICO” is a toothbrush for babies which has an easy-to-grab ring-shape handle. This makes sure babies don’t push the brush too deep into their throat. “Moomin” and “Totoro” towels with pockets, “Sumikkogurashi” character pencils and pens are some of our items which make you unintentionally cry out, “Cute!”. Even adults cannot resist from reacting to items such as a hand cream that looks like glue and a pen that looks like children’s toothpaste.
We will be redecorating the shop with new products at all times.